Angie is one of those people who catches you with her amazing smile. I have been lucky to have been photographing her for quite a few years now, so I know that smile well. The first time I captured it was when she was in middle school and rocking a bright purple athletic outfit. It fit her bright personality perfectly. Getting a chance to talk to Angie each year as I took her pictures gave me a glimpse into how she was going to grow up. And she has... grown up into a smart, hard working, lovely young lady.

So, needless to say, this senior shoot was special to me, not only because I have had the privilege of watching Angie grow, but also myself, over the years, as a photographer. It has been so much fun!

Angie, I wish you the very best as you continue on the wonderful journey you will be starting as you finish high school and continue your education. You have so many adventures ahead of you. And, I hope, if I am lucky, we are not done making pictures together!