I couldn't have been more excited to shoot this maternity session for my nephew Dj and his fiancé Sydney. It was fun taking these photos of two of my favorite people and tromping them all around Marysville Park on a cold day with my camera. DJ didn't complain too much! This was my first maternity session, so I was glad they were up for anything, even though we had to take a couple of breaks to warm up in the car.

These two are a sweet couple, and I can't wait to meet my new great-niece, Nova! (Also hearing my little sister called "grandma". She is going to love it!) DJ has always been a large part of my heart as I have watched him grow up. It is hard to believe the sweet faced little boy who couldn't pronounce his "l's" is going to be a daddy. That baby girl will have him wrapped around her finger in no time! My biggest wish for DJ has always been that he finds happiness. He found it when he found Sydney. Those two are a perfect fit! Sydney has become a part of the family, and her love for DJ and this coming baby is beautiful to see. Her kindness, compassion, and that bit of fiercness she has will make her an excellent mom. I am going to love watching the two of them grow as a family with their daughter! A journey that I hope will be blessed with joy.